This was the best class I've had at the Writing Institute thus far! Cindy creates a wonderful safe space for students all of an older generation. This allowed us to talk about and develop an incredible range of topics from the weekly prompts. She created a safe space that encouraged understanding and supportive responses.
Former student
As someone who has always loved writing, and who has not had much time to do so lately, diving into Cindy's course was the best experience I could have hoped for. I am a teacher, and I know good teaching when I see it. Cindy was warm and funny and comfortable, but also right on point with her comments and questions. I can't wait to take another course with her.
Former student
I found Cindy Beer-Fouhy's Life Stories class to be a great source of newly generated material. Both the in-class exercises and the longer assignments generated a range of meaningful pieces on different topics that I am including in my memoir-in-progress.
Former student