Cancellation Policy

We understand that students sometimes need to withdraw from a course because of a change in circumstance. With a few exceptions (see below), we are able to offer the following options to students.

Please note that no refunds are available for the following courses:

  • One Day Intensives
  • Yearlong Classes
  • Advanced Classes where Space is Limited

Two Weeks Before the Start of a Course

Students receive a voucher in the full amount they paid. By request, we can also issue refunds (minus a $50 administrative fee) via credit or debit card.

Three Days Before the Start of a Course

Students receive a voucher with $50 administrative fee deducted. Unfortunately, refunds are not available at this stage.

Withdrawing After One Class Session

By request, students can receive a partial voucher (50% of the original transaction).

Withdrawing After Two or More Class Sessions

We are unable to issue vouchers or refunds after two or more class sessions. Appeals due to an extenuating circumstance will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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